Зовнішнє незалежне оцінування з англійської мови

Make sentences as in the example. Use relative pronouns or relative adverbs. Example: A painter is someone who paints pictures.Use the verbs in the correct form to complete the sentences below. • complete • drop out • apply for • graduate • enrol • hand in • win • do • study • attend 1 John's parents were very upset when he.. of college and started working as a taxi driver.Упражнение 4. Fill in the correct form of the Infinitive to make Complex Object. Our teacher made us _ (do) this exercise all over again. The teacher advised us _ (rewrite) the test.1. I wish you'd stop teasing Jack about his fear of needles. Not everyone is as brave as you, you know! 4. Even just thinking about going in a lift makes Katie sweat. 5. I know Sally's upset about losing her purse, but how long is she going to walk around with that long face .On the other hand, quite a lot of children have problems with their health and they can't attend PE lessons. Some boys and girls feel embarrassed when they can't do what their classmates can.

Задание 2.Listening & Speaking Skills 7b .Spotlight, 11 класс...

Why does it upset him that other people are so attached to their cars? He prefers that horses are actual living beings, and he hates that people get What observation does Holden make about how kids and adults look when they are sleeping? How does this comment reflect his attitudes in general...In the sentence "Did our teasing make (Sidney) upset?" "make" is a transitive verb, which means it demands an object. In that way, the noun "Sidney" receives the action denoted by "make" and answers the question "whom?".Our parents did not trust - Наши родители не доверяли врачам. Helen had an idea. - У Хелен была идея.Two short exercises to practise the types of questions. In the first exercise students should decide whether the questions are to the subject or to the object of the sentence. In the second they make their own questions of different types using the prompts.

Задание 2.Listening & Speaking Skills 7b .Spotlight, 11 класс...

Упражнения на Complex Object. | Grammar-tei.com

affirmative interrogative negative. would be able to do smth. would have been able to do smth. Why don't you want the doctor to come? He could prescribe some medicine to bring down the fever (if he came).Did our teasing make (Sidney) upset?" in English if you're in doubt about the correctness of the answers or there's no answer, then try to use the smart search and find answers to the similar questions.We must make do (= manage) (with what we've got). После help может употребляться Don't make me). □ Так же может можно употреблять have и help (особенно в американском английском) If we are to win this match, we must all do our very best. It was 1491. Columbus was to reach America...Did your teasing make Sidney upset? yes yes it did :P u smart a**. How does teasing effect conflicts? Teasing usually make conflicts worse. If you mean teasing it and making it upset, then that's not good for the salamander and can make you a meaner person because it's being a bully.Italian architects to make its buildings bigger and better than anywhere else in Europe.... grandiose and colourful architecture with its surprising blues, greens and pinks, would look tasteless in more southern climates, but here colours go beautifully with snow and pale winter light.

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